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Health Literacy & Consumer Health Information: Introduction

Health Literacy & Health Information


This LibGuide provides an introduction to health literacy with a selection of supporting resources. It is written for clinicians and consumers and includes links to assistance with locating and understanding consumer health information.

Health Information Literacy - Why it Matters

Why health literacy is important / Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ASCSQHC) identify health literacy as important to ensure safe and high-quality health care (ACSQHC, 2015). Sixty percent of Australians do not have sufficient health literacy skills to understand and interpret health information; this impacts their ability to make informed health care decisions, and, is identified as associated with lower uptake of preventative health approaches and poor health status (ACSQHC, 2015).

This LibGuide provides:

  • a selection of quality, verified, evidence based health information resources for clinicians;
  • a selection of quality, verified, evidence based health information resources for consumers (patients, clients); and,
  • health literacy resources.

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World Health Organisation (WHO)

World Health Organization (WHO) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Further Resources

But wait... there's more (image)

There are many other quality consumer health sites, these are just a starter.  If you
require further information or sources, clinicians please contact your Health Librarian.

Health consumers are advised to consult their health professional.


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