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Redcliffe Hospital Education Team

The Redcliffe Hospital Nursing/Midwifery Education Team - #We are Redcliffe, and we are here to help!

Our service is made up of a Nursing Director, Nurse/Midwifery Educators and Clinical Nurse/Midwife Clinical Facilitators who strive to work with individuals, teams and managers to plan, develop, and implement education to support best practice, develop our capability, and most importantly, provide compassionate and safe patient care.

The tabs at the top of this page contain generic information for all areas.  The column on the left has links to specific area pages.  This is a fairly new initiative here, so check back from time to time as we hope to include many more resources.


Position Name Email Phone
Nursing Director Sharon Ragau  3049 3405
Nurse Educator (Medical) Carly Bland 3093 4960
Nurse Educator (Medical) Sally Burnett 3883 7617
Nurse Educator (Surgical) Caro Wright 3883 7796
Nurse Educator (Ambulatory, SOPD, DPU/GE) Michele Wyland 3883 7384
Nurse Educator (Perioperative) Belinda McEvoy 2005 2588
Nurse Educator (Perioperative Introductory Program) Jodie Sisson 3883 7251
Nurse Educator (Emergency) Jacki Shapland 3883 7063
Nurse Educator (Intensive Care) Kylie Jacobs 3883 7062
Nurse Educator (Paediatrics) Claire Cox 3049 6817
Midwifery Educator Natasha Visser 3883 7676
CNCF (Medicine) Nicola Carruthers 3093 4959
CNCF (Surgical) Allison Steinohrt 3093 4957
CNCF (Emergency) Natasha Edwards 3093 4958
CNCF (Intensive Care) Dannielle McGrath  
CMCF  Leah Bevan 3093 4962



If you have any questions about the information on this page, please discuss with your TL, NUM, CNCF or Nurse Educator.

Printing of resources is discouraged and any printed resources should be considered valid for 24 hours only.

This web page aims to display the most up-to-date links and resources to aid currency and evidence based practice.  

This resource is intended for use by Redcliffe Hospital Staff only, to support other available resources to provide best care.  

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TMS Learning and Online Mandatories

The importance of TMS

Remember to regularly log in to your personal Talent Management System (TMS) account to look for training/mandatories that you are due to complete.  While training and mandatories will automatically flag when they are due, new or updated educational requirements can also be added (assigned) to your profile throughout the year.  Mandatory Training topics such as Child safety and Bloodsafe are done via TMS.  To access your TMS (using your Novell email and password), click on the words "Link to TMS" below.

                               Link to TMS              

You can load the TMS app onto you phone so you can check any learning you have due at any time:  Instructions on how to load TMS on Mobile