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Redcliffe and Caboolture Hospital Libraries: Home

Website for Redcliffe and Caboolture Hospital Libraries

The Libraries

                                                                                                  Redcliffe and Caboolture Hospital Libraries


Our Libraries are found onsite in the Education Centres at Caboolture Hospital and Redcliffe Hospital. Staff have 24/7 access via their swipe cards. A range of online services are also available both on and off site.

Onsite support

  • Monday and Tuesday - Caboolture Hospital (Jane Orbell-Smith)
  • Thursday and Friday - Redcliffe Hospital (Laura Hurd)

Email for assistance or to make an appointment with a Librarian. 

The Libraries are available for use by Caboolture Hospital, Redcliffe Hospital, Kilcoy Hospital, Woodford Correction Centre Health staff, satellite facilities, on-site placement students, and the above Hospitals' volunteers. Many of our resources are online access available 24/7 once registered.

A Loan Collection is only provided to registered staff and University of Queensland Medical students undertaking on-site placement. Note: Reference Collection items are only available for use within the Libraries.

Members of the Public
As specialist health libraries, the Libraries do not allow access by the general public. We recommend members of the public speak with their health professional or use their local public library, especially their Reference Librarian. 

Looking for information, if you have spent more than 10 minutes looking, contact your Librarian for assistance.

Introduction to our Library Services (Video - Qld Health Employee Access Only) To view, right click and select open in new window. 

Redcliffe Hospital Library

Register as a Library and CKN Member - Required for 24/7 Online Access & to Borrow Resources

Register for both:

  • CKN - For Qld Health employees only - registration required from a work based computer.
  • QH Libraries

** For 24/7 access from any Internet connected device, make sure you register for both services.

Training and Education

Information literacy training is a major role of the Library Service ie how to find and utilise information effectively.  Training available includes "Find the Evidence: Effective Literature Searching", "EndNote: An Introduction", and "Returning to Study" utilisation of CKN, online and evidence-based resources, and, database. The Librarian is able to provide group or 1:1 training by appointment

Library Collection and Purchasing

The Libraries' Collection Development Policy forms the basis for purchases for the Libraries. Materials purchased for the Libraries must fall within the Collection Development Policy (see below).

Sections requiring books for their own work areas need to purchase these directly via their usual ordering means. Sections may request assistance from the Library to identify suppliers and/or costs and bibliographic details of required items. The Libraries are not resourced to fulfil a purchasing facilities role.


Books for Study

Individual textbooks for study that are not held in either Redcliffe or Caboolture Hospital Libraries must be purchased by: (a) use of professional development funds (b) work unit purchase through a unit's business manager/admin support processes, or (c) item borrowing from the relevant educational institution by the enrolled student. The Libraries are not resourced to supply study textbooks either by purchase or inter-library loan.

Professional Recognition and Attribution

Acknowledgement of expert health information services undertaken by the Librarian supporting your work is both required and appreciated. Please discuss this with your Librarian especially for work leading to publication or submitted reports.

Search the Library's Catalogue for a book, journal or article by title

Finding Information

The Librarian’s expertise centres on health information and she can undertake searching on your behalf for clinical care or projects (ie not personal study).

Access to a vast range of databases is provided via CKN. You can boost your search skills by participating in training; to get you started on your topic access the Queensland Health Libraries Subject Guides and utilise EndNote referencing software.

Request a literature search (registration required) - If your request is study related, please read the "Study Support" section on this page before submitting your request.

Ebooks and Ejournals

Full Text Online – Journals and Ebooks
The QH Libraries Websites hosts a range of full-text ebooks and journals. Search by full book or journal title or for a single article title. If you are after something that is not readily available, request the Librarian to get it for you (a cost-centre may be required for certain items). Patrons are encouraged to undertake training in the use of these resources.

Further Assistance

Caboolture Hospital Library

Education Centre
Caboolture Hospital
McKean Street
(LMB 3)
Caboolture Qld 4510 

Redcliffe Hospital Library

Education Centre
Redcliffe Hospital
Anzac Avenue
(LMB 1)
Redcliffe Qld 4020 


Make an Appointment - Information



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