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Redcliffe and Caboolture Hospital Libraries: Accreditation

Website for Redcliffe and Caboolture Hospital Libraries

Accreditation Header


HeLiNS: health libraries for national standards - outcomes of a national research project.
The purpose of the research was to explore and record the contribution that health libraries made to the achievement of hospital accreditation, with a view to demonstrating their value.

NSQHS Standards - Live Literature Searches

 PubMed searches structured to retrieve articles from the last 5 years with a focus on the hospital setting. 

NSQHS Standards (2nd ed, 2017)


Redcliffe and Caboolture Hospitals are assessed for Accreditation under the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (2017). National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. (2nd ed).

The Library Service has a role to play in the provision of best practice, evidence-based practice, consumer health, staff training, and, information management under the following Standards:

  • Standard 1 Governance for Safety and Quality in the Health Service
  • Standard 2 Partnering with Consumers
  • Standard 5 Comprehensive Care

Evidence - Standard 1 Governance for Safety

Item Library Contribution
1.27 Evidence-based care.

Library Services provide professional expert health information services to the hospital staff including literature searching, publishing support, training, document delivery and inter-library loans, bibliographic and database support.

1.28 Variation in clinical practice and health outcomes. Provision of evidence through high level professionally expert literature searching.

1.30 b. Provides a calm and quiet environment.

Library space is a quiet place to withdraw, wait, study, or, read.


Evidence - Standard 2 Partnering with Consumers

Item Library Contribution
Health literacy.

Training provided to clinicians to ensure understanding of health consumer requirements.

Selection of materials to support health literacy and development of consumer health materials included in the Library's collection (both print and ebook).

2.10 a Information is provided in a way that meets the needs of patients, carers, families and consumers.

Training provided to Moreton Bay Regional Council librarians "quality health information".

Development of online guide " Health Literacy and Consumer Health Information".


Evidence - Standard 5 Comprehensive Care

Item Library Contribution
5.3 Meet the patient's information needs.

The Library provides clinicians with current best practice and access to consumer health information resources through the Qld Health Libraries website and support in the use of CKN.

Development of online guide " Health Literacy and Consumer Health Information".

5.5 a Support multidisciplinary collaboration and teamwork.

The Library services clinicians in all disciplines and supports through the provision of training, literature searching, and research.

The Librarian sits on a range of Committees including Digital Transformation, Research Operational, and, Health Information Management.



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