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Research Development Unit: Ethics

Research Support for Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals and Woodford Corrections Health


Ethics and Governance

For guidance on ethical and site-specific requirements for your project, contact a Research Governance Officer. RGOs are based at the Metro North Office of Research, Block 7 Herston Campus on a Monday and Tuesday and facility-based Wednesday-Friday.
Research Ethics and Governance Clinics are open to all researchers wishing to do research across Metro North. For more information please see the MNHHS Ethics and Governance Website. 
Research Governance Officer - Contact: Vanessa Constable
T: (07) 3883 7243 | E:
Open: Monday-Friday, 8.00am-4.30pm


Ethics and Governance Fees from 1 May 2024.
From May 1, the following Schedule of Fees applies.
The completed and signed fee template must be provided with the relevant ethics/research governance submission via Ethical Review Manager (ERM). Failure to provide the form at time of submission will delay review and may result in the submission being withdrawn from review.
  • MNH Research Fee Template – This fee template applies for all submissions that are not sponsored or led by a Queensland Health Hospital and Health Service (HHS).
  • MNH Research Fee Template HHS – Inter HHS Journal Transfer (applies only for other Queensland Health Hospital and Health Services).


GOVERNANCE: Qld Exemption Form Update

  • The new QLD Exemption Form is available in the ERM system for Applicants to access and submit.
  • All research applications are required to be submitted on the HREA (Human Research Ethics Application) as it is the only nationally accepted form.
  • The Low Risk review pathway will continue using the HREA form.
  • The new Queensland Health Exemption form will now be used for all non-research projects and projects that are exempt from HREC review according to the National Statement Chapter 5.1.22
  • How to access QLD Exemption Form via Applicant site : Once the Applicant has successfully logged into the ERM system, the new QLD Exemption Form will be displayed in the drop down box as shown below as one of the Main Form options, after the Applicant selects Jurisdiction as “Queensland Health”.


Ethics Decision Tool - Metro North and Gold Coast HHS have developed an Ethics Navigation Tool to help determine the type of review a project will require based on a series of questions. The type of review will determine the application pathway a project will take.
Single SSA Factsheet 2020 This factsheet describes the process for obtaining Research Governance approval for research projects being conducted at more than one Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) facility or service. 


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